It was a good first impression using this - no hiccups in performance or any obvious bugs found in my first circuit.
some suggestions/feedback:
- an undo button on the corner wire placement to undo the last bend
- quick component selections (useful for things like wires, no need to constantly go back into the menu)
- copy component would be helpful if placing a line of the same component
- ways to edit placement of a resistor/cap/led/etc for cases where you can accidentally be off by one lol
- As in another post: the movement could use a bit of work (the 2 finger pinch/rotate/pan is a good idea)
- the ability to use cw/ccw motion to control dials. This would help moving any dial near the edge of the screen without having to constantly retap the dial.
overall great work :D. This may be helpful in prototyping before I fry components :p
Great comments! May I ask what device you are using? So I can log performance data 😁