Rather than trying to please everyone and their dog with additional component requests ,
Allow users / the community to add what they need in the form of "modules" that use a hardware description language to define the functions of the device,
I.e. a 74LS00 ( quad nand) could be defined as follows:
description="Quad Nand",
pin:1:input, a,
pin:2:input, b,
pin:3: output: !(a & b)
A user wanting to create a component then could create a component using a text editor and save the file to a "HDL" folder which in turn would be read by the simulator and made available.
You guys could then concentrate on the difficult challenges of adding analogue components, displays, ....
Came here to post the exact same thing - I'd love to hear what the programmer has to say about this as I think it would improve the software immensely.